o Calendar – We use Spiffy Calendar to keep track of events and practices. Spiffy calendar is accessible from the top or the lower left of the administrative menu. If you are adding an event, make sure to select an image just above the save button.
o Donations – We use Give as the donation addon for the website. Online donations are handled through PayPal. The only thing required was to set the donation email address,, in <Donations> – <Settings> – <Payment Gateways> – “PayPal Standard” tab.
o Photos – Photo Gallery is used as the photo collection addon for the website.
o Backup – Duplicator is used as the backup for the website. I have been verified that the plugin will completely back and restore all of the site information including the database. At this time backing up is a manual process, I am working on getting it automated to that regular backups are being made.
o Others
– Advanced WP colums is used for editing our list of members
– File Manager is used for more easily adding content to the site
– wpForo or WPForums Lite – One of thse forums addons will probably be our forums tool, still looking into this
– Huge IT Google Map is the map addon used in the member section
– WordPress Access Control – Addon used for enhanced user access control for pages
Contact Us email notification list is found in WPForms
Contact Us – Edit – Settings – Notifications – Send To Email Address
Posts are used to fill content into the pages, most sites use them as blog entries. We use them for news and event information. By default 3 “news” posts appear at the bottom of the page in the “news” section. We allow for all categories of posts to appear in the news section. The pages are displayed in the order of how they were added. First in – first out.
Remember to select a category for the post in the lower right, this will help the posts organized and allow them to be visible on pages that filter for certain categories of events.
Pages are repository of content such as: posts, addons, widgets, or calendars.
Contains the settings for the layout of the website with links to the pages we created.
FYI: Text in brackets […] are links to addons/widgets within pages or posts. Don’t change these unless you are sure.
Theme setup:
See the posted diagram for how the content has been added to the website.
The sections below can be found in <Appearance> – <Customize> from the main administrative menu.
1. Title & Tagline
<Site Identity>
2. Top Right Menu
<Menus> – <Main Menu>
Add or remove pages, these will appear in the upper right section of the website and carry through into all sub pages.
3.1 – 3.3 Slider Menu
<Home/Front Featured Slider> – <Select Slider from Page>
Select up to four pages that will be previewed on the top of the page. The selected image as well as the first part of the text from the page will be displayed.
4.1 – 4.3 Service Section
<Home/Front Service Section> – <Select Service from Page>
Select up to three pages that will be previewed in the next section. You can choose the icon that will appear to the left of the page label and preview text from the page.
5.1 – 5.3 About Section
<Home/Front Service Section> – <Select About from Page>
Select up to three pages that will be previewed in the next section. You can choose the icon that will appear to the left of the page label and preview text from the page.
5.4 About image
<Home/Front Service Section> – <About Options>
Select an image for the About section. You can include text and a title
6. Latest News – Blog section
<Home Front Blog Options>
Select to display the page that has been chosen as the blog page. The page chosen for blog/posts is in <Static Front Page>. In our case it is the “News” page.